Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Are we done?

Yesterday as I was getting ready, Garrett came in to talk to me. He was quite concerned because he had heard me on the phone say this was my last baby. (I don't know if this is my last baby, but right now I can't imagine ever being this miserable again.) So with this in his head, here's a little conversation that we had in my bedroom.

"Mom, is this really that last baby that you are going to have come out of your body?"
"I don't' know, Buddy! We'll see."
"If it is, I'm really sad, because I want a baby brother to play with."
Insert my heart breaking for him.
"Oh, buddy, even if I have another baby doesn't mean it will be a boy baby"
A moments pause.....
"Mom, to bad they don't make a machine that can look into our body and pick out the boy babys for next time you get pregnant."
"Yep, to bad it doesn't work that way. We take and love what Heavenly Father sends us."
"I love my sisters, Mom. They just aren't very good at the Wii"


A mother heart said...

So funny!!

Ben and Anne said...

That is totally cute!

Lanae said...

Tell Garrett, I feel his pain! I don't know if I can bear to stop without the possibility of having a daughter. We will make sure he gets plenty of Wii time with Ben at Christmas and let him know Ben's brother aren't that good at the Wii either!

Kerri said...

That makes me laugh, he must be Keith's son! :)