Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Taryn Lilly

If I had to pick which of my kids changed the most in 2011, it would be Taryn. She has changed in looks, temperament, personality, and abilities. Last year this time, Taryn was still struggling a little with the trouble 2's. She was easy to ignite and not easy to put out. And to compound the problem, she was limited in her skills and abilities to do for herself, which was to be expected from a little girl who had just turned 3. However, being the middle child, with a 14 month old little sibling and Mom pregnant or caring for a newborn all of last year, poor Taryn had to fin for herself often. By summer though, she came our easiest kid and every enjoyable to be around.
The one thing that helps Taryn the most last year was becoming best friends with Kendall. When Kendall's best buddy from church moved, Kendall and Taryn spent a lot of time together. Taryn learned to mimic things that Kendall did or said. Its my greatest joy to see Kendall and Taryn becoming such great friends.
But as great of friends as Kendall and Taryn have become, they are different little girls. As I said earlier Kendall will laugh and go along with anything Garrett does or says. While Taryn will often say, "Garrett, that doesn't make sense" or "That's not really funny" And she know funny.
Taryn is a girly girl. She loves all things pink! She is barely coming out of a dresses only phase in her wardrobe. She loves Barbie, lipstick, fancy shoes, and fur.
Taryn is also fair weathers kinda girl. If it's too hot, Taryn's inside. If it's too cold, Taryn's inside. If there is a chance of rain, Taryn's inside. And when you ask her why she's not outside? She'll respond, "I'm not comfortable outside!" There you have it!

Taryn LOVES books! If you can't find Taryn look in the music room, where she's curled up with a books her father has read her twenty time, looking at the pages. When Taryn was going through her difficult phase. Keith would often say, "She just needs to be reset" Which included Keith patiently taking 10-15 minutes to sit with her and read a book. I don't have time or patients to drop everything to read a book to Taryn. But Keith's efforts have paid off on Taryn. Taryn seems to be a very bright little girl. She's quick to catch on to things and remembers everything you hears. Two weeks ago for FHE, Keith read the Christmas story for Luke. Then we asked a few questions of each child. When we asked her, who visited Mary to tell her she was going to have a baby. Taryn quickly responded, "Gabriel, the boy angel" Taryn remembers details.

One of my favorite things about Tar-tarz is her curves. Her and Kendall could not be any more different in body types. Not to be weird, but Taryn has the cutest bum every. It's a perfect little round soft tush. She's adorable in a swimming suit.
Taryn has a spunky personality, that will be a great blessing to her. She has strong opinions and ideas about how things should happen. I love this about her. She's a curious soul , who loves to learn. I think this trait will bring her joy. Taryn brings me JOY each and every day.

1 comment:


LOVE HER! She is so beautiful! Thanks for posting about her! I love learning about my cousins, so so sweet!