Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Highlights from 2011

Kendall Macy turned 5! Can not believe we have enjoyed her for 5 years and that she old enough to go to school. She seem to little, but I guess I needed her to grow with our 5th child coming in two days. Kendall thought it was so awesome that Grandma Hatch came for her Birthday, and that the new baby would come two day after the birthday. Let's hope she always enjoys sharing birthday celebrations.
Preparing for the birth of our 5th child, felt like preparing to go down into a bomb shelter. I remember thinking, I'll never go out again. What was I thinking? I have 4 other kids that have routines to keep.
Landon Sterling Jones arrived on 2-2-2011! Exciting enter into the world, see old post for details. We LOVE this boy! He is such a blessing! Although difficult to adjust to 5 kids under 7, we are one happy family.
So grateful to have Grandma for two weeks! Wish I could have had her for two months.
Five weeks after having Landon, Keith had to go to Salt Lake City for training with his calling. I thought I was going to crumble, but we survived.
I turned 40! Eeks! I feel 50.
Can't remember anything!
It's all a blur!
I'm sure something exciting happened in April, May and June of last year, but I can't not for the life of me remember anything about that time of our life! Sad! I know!
We made the trek west! Really I flew out with the Landon (5 months) and Alina (20 months), interesting trip to say the least. Anyone can endure 5 hours! Poor Keith had the three older kids for three day in the car driving cross country. Good man!
We enjoyed the Jones reunion in Flagstaff, and the Hatch reunion in Durango, CO.
We took advantage of free babysitting with a getaway with out the kids for Keith and I to Denver. Thanks Mom! We decided to stay long enough for Garrett to celebrate his 8th birthday out with family and be baptism with both Grandparents and most of his aunts, uncles and cousins there. To make it a extra special day, we blessed Landon on the same day as Garrett baptism. Keith was blessed on the same day as his big brother, Randall. After 6 weeks of lots of swimming and playing with the cousins, we had to fly home.
Upon returning from Arizona on the 26th of August, we learned that our Bishop was moving. Three days later we received a call from the Stake President asking if he could come visit our family. We both just thought he was troweling all the High Priest! It never crossed my mind, he would call Keith. Keith was serving in a calling under the Seventy, the Stk. Pres. would have to ask for him to be released. Plus, we have 5 kids now under 8! Our life is crazy!
Nope I was wrong. After visiting with us for an hour or so at 6:30 p.m. (the craziest time possible), seeing all our kids, asking their ages, President Hilton asked Keith to be the Bishop of the Manassas 1st Ward...... I was surprised, but I immediately felt very calm and reassured that this was right! The spirit was so strong in our home, that I could not deny that Keith was called to be the Bishop at this time, for our ward. I have to remind my self of that feeling some nights when all of my kids are screaming, dinners not ready, the house is a mess, and Keith's not coming home till late. But it has been a blessing and life it getting easier. The kids are getting bigger, babies are sleeping better, routines are becoming my favorite thing, and angels in our ward have helped be through the tough spots.
Keith officially became the Bishop!
Keith, and Garrett take a road trip with their buddies, the Walkers, Ellsworths and Gregorys to Mississippi to watch a BYU football game. Although the humidity was a low point for Garrett, the traveling and comradeship was great!
Alina turned 2 in word and deed! She puts new meaning to "Terrible 2s". I love her but I don't always like the rottenness. We refer to her a "The Spice Sister"
Keith took a brief trip to the hospital.
Taryn turned 4! She already seemed four to me. She's a mature little thing with an extensive vocabulary.
Keith and I celebrated our 9th anniversary by going to Jersey Boys with our buddies the Walkers. Good times. Yummy food!
Landon miraculously started sleeping through the night! Hallelujah!
Grandma and Grandpa Hatch came for Christmas! It was Great to have them here with the kids and Grandpa fixed everything on my house! Yippy!
Be are blessed to happy healthy children, a good job and home, great friends and family, and the peace and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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