Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 1

The first week I bring home a new baby is always eventful. Someone always gets sick, or hurt. One or two the kids completely regress, causing everyone frustration. And there always seems to be events at school, church or with our family that require attention.
Baby Landon's homecoming was no different. On the night we brought him home, Garrett came home with a high fever, cough, and aches. Great! He was sick through the weekend, and gave it to Kendall, who came home sick from school on Monday. Kendall gave it to Alina, who woke up sick on Wednesday. Alina gave it to Taryn, who woke up in the middle of the night of Friday with a fever. Then all my kids gave it to Grandma, who endured it well but was sick when she boarded the plane to go home on Sunday. Nice! Luckily, Landon and I haven't gotten it. And poor Keith has a touch of the cold but is a trooper.
Then to add to the fun of sick kids. Kendall spilled boiling hot water in her chest. I was right there to run her to the kitchen sink and shower her with water. Thank heavens it was only 1st and 2nd degree burns and they seem to be healing well.
Alina was added to with fun by getting a ear infections, but the antibiotics seem to be easing her pain.
Needless to say the first week home with baby Landon was busy, but I think we've settled in and can get back to some routine and healthy living. We desperately miss Grandma Hatch. Taryn wants to know when we can go back to the Airport to pick up Grandma.

The kids decorated the house to welcome Landon home.

Alina has really warmed up to Landon. She loves to look at him. So far, she's not that rough with him either.


A mother heart said...

UGH! What a crazy first week! I wish I lived closer to come help take care of you all.
But regardless, he is precious, and you look beautiful, Tamee! Congratulations!

Greg and Tammy said...

WOW. What a horrible first week. I hope everyone starts to feel better soon. The baby is so precious!! Hope you are getting a little sleep amidst it all - that is always my downfall for lost sanity. :)

Shaunae said...

Wow! What a week! You guys are so buff!

Laura said...

Seeing those precious pictures of baby Landon makes me actually miss having a baby around the house. I'm sure I'll get over it soon but for a brief second, I'm a little jealous :)
Hope everyone is doing better and best wishes for a continued adjustment to baby #5!!!


Oh my goodness what aperfect little baby! I wanna SQUEEZE him! erg! Sorry about the whole craziness of the first week! love seeing that picture of grandma up there though, grndmas awesome huh! Shes always thier when you need her! I sure miss you guys! give our love to all the family!!