Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's about time....

All of Garrett friends have been losing teeth, but Garrett seemed to be holding on tight to every single one of his. He was starting to get a little bummed that the Tooth Fairy wasn't paying him a visit. Then last week, he came home from school with a tooth box and complaining that it hurt to eat. Sure enough, his front tooth was loose. But he didn't want Keith or I to touch it. Frankly neither one of us want to pull it out. We're squirmish kind of people. Fortunately Garrett's best buddy's father, our neighbor, is a dentist. Friday, Garrett went over to play and eat dinner with Syler and came home with his tooth in a bag. Broath, Dr. Yen, numbed Garrett up and pulled it over the dinner table. Garrett has friends with sweet hook ups, like tooth pulling.

Garrett looks so sweet missing his front tooth. I'm hoping he looses another before we take Christmas pictures. There are very few times in one's life with missing front teeth is adorable.

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