Saturday, May 16, 2009

More from the ranch

I must admit, I must enjoy the ranch more then I let on, because as I was going through all the pictures I remembered all the great memories. I love these pictures of Josh with his mom, Ruth and his best cousin friend, Carolyn.
When we saw Josh at the ranch it was the first time we had seen him in person since the operation and treatment for the cancer. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was shocked how much he looked like a cancer patient. It was apparent how much weight her had lost and that he had not grown much in the past two years. His skin was so pale His hair had not grown in so it was easy to see the scare that goes across the back of his head. Unlike the other 18 or so other rambunctious young cousins, he didn't have the energy like them. But with all the physical changes, he was still the tender, sweet, fun loving Josh that we all love. I watched him play cards with Carolyn, and be silly like all preadolescent kid.

While we were at the ranch, Garrett asked me if he was the Josh that we had been praying for every night? For the past two years our nightly prayers have included the phrases like, "Bless Josh that he will be made healthy.", "Bless Josh that he can be comforted in his pain." or "Bless the Doctors that take care of Josh." So I knew that seeing Josh would be good for Garrett, but I didn't realize how much he was taking it in until we returned home.

In the week after we returned home from the ranch, I was surprised at the changes Garrett made in his nightly prayers. On the first night back during Garrett's prayers he said, "Please bless Josh that he can grow hair on his head." Then a few nights later he said, "Please bless Josh that the Doctors won't cut his head open again." Garrett thought toward and prayer to Heavenly Father became a little more personal and understanding of his cousin Josh who we still pray for every night. It was nice to have one of those times when you see your children developing faith and understanding of why we pray and know that our prayers are heard.

Little Red, the cowgirl, wasn't that into the ranch. She doesn't like the dirt yet, and the horses are fun to look at but not ride. Of ever she did enjoy wearing the red hat.

The ranch was a great time for Garrett and his cousin Teddy, who we never get to see since they live in Texas and we are in Virginia. It was nice to get to know Teddy and his sisters a little better. These two enjoyed being goofballs together.

Garrett just couldn't get enough of the tire swing. Like every kids at the ranch the goal was to touch the branch on the tree across the river bed.

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