Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My 100th Post, in progress.

OK I'm going to try to think of 100 things about myself.

  1. I'm addicted to Coke. Yes, not a surprise to anyone but this is really tough get started.
  2. I'm the fourth girl, and by the way, Keith is the fourth boy in his family.
  3. I'm 5'10 but shrinking.
  4. I'm 90% gray. Thank heavens for hair-dye every three weeks.
  5. I long to be an organized person, but struggle everyday.
  6. OK I'm going to be lucky to get to 10
  7. I love Keith Jones!
  8. I'm a mother of three beautiful children.
  9. Hopefully we have one or two more. We'll see.
  10. I don't like straight chocolate but I don't mind eating things that have a little chocolate in it.
  11. I would love to play volleyball again but I don't like to leave my kids for things like that.
  12. I have blueish green eyes.
  13. I have a birth mark on my right arm.
  14. I LOVE oatmeal with honey.
  15. I served my mission in Tallahassee, Florida.
  16. I like to sew Halloween costumes, drapes, and baby blankets, but I hate to mend.
  17. I don't really like to type out the commentary for the blog but I like to see the blog when it's done.
  18. I wish I could take a class on photographer and graphic design. Someday!
  19. I really want to go to Europe someday. Maybe next summer.
  20. I wear a size 10 shoe. Huge!
  21. I love to shop, which means I love to spend money. Sorry Keith. I'll try to do better.
  22. I LOVE Salmon.
  23. Right now I love to work in the yard. There is something satisfying about digging a hole, planting a bush and watching it transform the yard.
  24. For a couple of years I worked at the Arizona State Fair selling candy apples, cotton candy and other crap that should only be eaten at the fair.
  25. I also worked as a Life Guard for a few summers.
  26. I've swam in the Dead Sea.
  27. I grew up in a very small town.
  28. I been to Petra where Indiana Jones was filmed. I looked to the right cup but the cave isn't really that big.
  29. I have a Masters in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University. I am 10 credits shy of completing my second master in Family Counseling, but I decided to put that on hold to get married to the most handsome man in the world and have an adorable son. Best decision I ever made.
  30. My bachelors is in Elementary Education from Arizona State University.
  31. I taught 2nd and 5th grade in Gilbert Public Schools for 5 1/2 years.
  32. I toured Central America with a BYU singles group for three week.
  33. When we finished touring, two girlfriends of mine and I spent a week in Honduras rebuilding an orphanage, then we spent the next week sitting on the beach outside of Cancun.
  34. I once won a Turkey Shoot and literally took home a turkey as a prize.
  35. I played Jr. College Volleyball and we took 2nd at National. Not to bad, Aye?
  36. I love to sew but I hate cleaning up the mess afterwards.
  37. I don't really like plain chocolate or chocolate chip cookies, but I like it in ice cream.


dani said...

Wow good job on all the postings! I learned alot about my Aunt Tammee! ONly 70ish more to go! It takes a couple of weeks to get that done, I've found from experience. I can't wait for you to come to AZ!!!!

kristal said...

I wear a size 10 shoe too, huge feet are great...you can kill more ants with each step. Ooh, look at me being an optimsist for once. Um, and yes, I'm a bad mom that leaves her kids to play volleyball. Actually I wish I did, the little germs linger around me as I play...blah!