Friday, June 26, 2009

This one's for you, sis!

The purpose of this blog is to make my little sister feel good about herself. She recently posted the cutest picture of herself 25 weeks pregnant. You could barely notice her bump, and her arms and legs look great. Yes, I'm jealous, but happy for my sister. She works hard to look so cute. We were talking about our past pregnancies and the 'Hatch sister" view on pregnancy.
Which is, we, the Hatch girls, like to think that it's in our genes to be big pregnant women. Not true but it makes me feel good when people ask if I'm having twins or due next week. Nice! Anyways, most of us gain around 60 to 80 pounds with every pregnancy. I try not to complain to much, except for to Keith, about the weight gain, because we, are at least I, have easy healthy pregnancy, and happy healthy babies. With so many of my dear friends either not able to get pregnant to experience this choice blessing, or friends that struggle with difficult pregnancies and babies with health issues, I've decided to just to be grateful for this life in me and look up Weight Watchers in November. Wish me luck on that adventure.
So there you have it.
I tried the cute, sexy pose you used, which made Naomi, our babysitter, laugh while taking the picture.


dani said...

I, for one, think you look absoultly adorable. I can't wait for another cute Jones girl!

A mother heart said...

No matter what you think your mirror is telling you, you look BEAUTIFUL!

Seriously, none of that I'm-going-to-be-positive-just-because-I-love-you. None of that.

You look really good!

And I'm excited to see what that cute little bump will look like when she debuts!

Michelle said...

You look amazing, as always!
Did you make a deal w/the devil for some anti-aging pills or somethin'?

kristal said...

Um, still looking half my size. And that's the reason I have to do that pose. All ihave going for me is my legs. My arms have quadrupled in size, so I have to put them on my hips to pull the fat off from my sides and I have to arch my back so that my back fat doesn't flab over my pants. So yea, I still win!