Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Last lesson

Vonda, Mom, Sherida, aunt Claudette, Katie, and Weston at Taryn's baby blessing.

Lately I've been distracted, and weepy due to a heavy heart. (Sorry Keith and kids.) Two weeks ago my friend, Aunt Claudette finished her stay here on earth. I miss her so much. Throughout my life I've come to recognize that the best way for me to learn is through my experiences with others whom I respect. My Aunt Claudette was an amazing women. Since I was a young girls I've always looked up to her, because she too was a tall, dark haired women. She was strong and certain in her convictions of the gospel, politic, social issues, and family. I admired that about her, and particularly in my college years strived to be like her in that way. I would listen to conservative talk radio, so that I could have conversation with her about current issues. She taught me so much. Also in college, I came to respect her relationship with my Uncle John. She truely loved him with all her heart. The good and the bad. He came first. She was loyal in her commitment to him. Now that I'm married, I realize the wisdom in making your spouse a priority. It's easy with the kids, work, church and community to take for graned the one person who should mean the most.
This past weekend I learned my last lesson from my Aunt Claudette. We were blessed to have her join us for dinner on Saturday night, then she came to our baby Taryn's blessing at Vonda and Bill's. I was so happy that all my Aunt's came to support us. The day was so special for me. My husbands family, the Jones' were fasting for our nephew, Joshua, who have brain cancer. Grandpa Jones gave a beautiful prayer and petioned the Lord for his spirit and blessing on Josh and those who attend him. I couldn't help but look over at my Aunt Claudette during the prayer. Knowing that her time was short due to her battle with cancer. At the end of the day when Sherida told me they need to get home, I ran outside to hug my aunt Claudette, realizing that it may be my last chance too. We talked for a minute, she told me what a great family I had, the Hatch's and the Jones'. We both began to cry and hug each other. I said "good bye" and shw looked me right in the eye and said, "I love you." I've always known that my aunt Claudette loved me, to look someone in the eye and say it, feels so good. I thought about those last few minutes with her a lot lately. There are so many people in my life that I love, and I haven't really looked them in the eye and in the heart and told them I love you. So my last lesson from my dear aunt Claudette was one of love. Thank you.
To my cousins and Uncle John, know that I love you and hurt for your loss.

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