Friday, March 14, 2008

Followship Skills

I had a conversation with one of my favorite people in the whole world, my sister, Vonda. We were talking about how sad she was that she might get released from her calling in the Stk. Young Womens because Bill's the bishop again, and the realigned the stake. She said that it was such a pleasure to work with all these great women. They are all strong leaders, and she was a great follower. I laughed and she said, "Ya, I have great followship skills. Not everyone is the leader. We need good followers." This conversation has been on my mind for over a month now. What am I? Do I have good leadership skills or followership skills or a little of both? I've been thinking about my past callings, were they leadership or followship callings? And do we get callings because of the skills we posses or because the Lord knows we need to develop that skill or just basically because there was a position in the primary and your available? I don't think it matters or is doctrinally realivant, but it made me think.

This has lead me in two direction, first it the example of Peter, who I think is one of the great leaders in the Lord Kingdom, yet he followed the Lord so closely both spiritually and physically. What can I learn from him?

Also I've thought about my past callings, and I noticed that a lot of my calling were teaching callings, which I guess it a leadership skill according to the No Greater Calling manual. But I don't think of that as a Leader, it's more of a transferring of information you have acquired. Leadership is organizing events that motivate others to do and be better. Okay now I'm just talking out loud and should put this in my journal blog. I guess we are all leaders to others, and followers. How's your followshipskills?

If improving my followship skills will make me more like my sister Vonda that is something I will strive to be. She is one of the most Christlike women I know. I appreciate her example of followship.


Jamie said...

You have really got me thinking. With all I have on my plate right now I am most certainly in the followship catagory and even some times the body-no-brain catagory and the no-show catagory.I feel so sorry for those I serve with. How cute is Garrett and his little "wedpins"

Unknown said...

What a sweet post. I really just learned how important having good followship skills are. I think of Christ washing the feet of his disciples - every act of service, leading or following a great leader can be equally important. You have both skills (but you do tend to be a strong leader)

Greg and Tammy said...

I think you are both Miss Tamee. Such a good leader, but willing to follow when necessary and important. Love ya!